The movie covering Malala's story has been released this month. This movie "He Named Me Malala" is the first official movie on Malala Yousafzai's life. The first trailer of this movie was released in June this year, and the second was released in August this year. Now in October, the movie has been released and is on air worldwide on theaters. You can watch the trailers below and if you want to watch the movie in cinema then tickets details can be found below the video.
First Official Trailer of "He Named me Malala"
The Second Official Trailer of "He Named Me Malala"
If you want to watch the movie in cinemas then you are welcome to watch this beautiful movie in cinemas by visiting the following link:
If you ever had chance to watch this great documentary movie then do come back here and write your feedback and thoughts on this blog. This film is all about what happened to Malala and how she lived her life in very critical circumstances in Swat valley and how she is now looking after the global cause.
You can also follow the official Facebook page created for this movie only.
I like it!............And i pray for her a very life success in her life time